Keep Yourself Warm During Winter
- Lifestyle

The Best Ways to Keep Yourself Warm During Winter

Very cold weather may have a negative effect on your health. Individuals with respiratory issues, like heart conditions or asthma, are at great risk during winter months.

Like everyone, your body must be at the core temperature of around 37 degrees Celsius in order to be healthy. And that means you need to heat the rooms of your home to a minimum of about 18 degrees Celsius.

However, with the living costs still soaring high, there are a lot of concerns that people may not be using heating to stay warm.

This is why experts have compiled a list of the following ways to keep yourself warm during winter:

1. Get Moving

Being active as much as possible to boost your blood circulation is important to ensure you stay warm during winter. Always move around twice a day and avoid sitting for many hours.

Even lighter exercises may still help to keep your body warm. For instance, when you sit down, consider lifting your legs up severally to generate heat in your body.

2. Consider Wearing Thick Soaks

Keeping your feet warm can help to make your body feel warm. For a cozy feel, consider slipping on warm and thick socks.

With thick socks, you can also keep cold feet at bay. Whether you are seated or walking in the house, check here for heated or thick socks you can buy.

3. Eat More

Your body requires more fuel during winter to keep the internal furnace burning. In order to do that, you have to eat high-fat snacks, such as nuts, cheese, and chocolate. Fat is a very slow-burning fuel that can help to keep your body going for long.

Always keep snacks handy to enable you to refuel frequently. And if you prefer eating energy bars for convenience purposes, opt for ones with plenty of calories and proteins.

4. Use Ceiling Fans Wisely

During winter, consider setting your ceiling fan to spin clockwise at a low speed to ensure it isn’t breezy. This can help to generate a downdraft that moves warmer air at the highest part of your home where you may feel it. Recirculating warm air that has been trapped around the ceiling will minimize how often your furnace will kick on, thus, saving you energy and money.

5. Humidify Rooms in Your Home

Humidifiers don’t make temperatures high. But they can make rooms feel warmer. Water vapor coming from humidifiers will slightly increase the ability of air to hold heat.

6.  Use a Warm Water Bottle

Rather than depending on an energy-guzzling electric blanket to keep your bed warm, consider tried-and-tested warm-water bottles to keep yourself warm. Just slip one or two warm water bottles between your sheets for several minutes before going to bed, and then pop your feet in a toasty duvet sanctuary.

The Take a way

Winter isn’t a favorite season for everyone. However, you should brave it. Apart from using these strategies of wearing heated socks, using warm water bottles, and humidifying rooms in your home, train your mind to implement these tips too. Also, take fewer layers for several weeks, and the sensor of your body will familiarize itself with the cool weather.

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